Christian Heilmann

Opening Node developer tools just got easier

Thursday, December 1st, 2022 at 7:22 pm

Using the command palette in Microsoft Edge, you can open Dedicated Devtools for Node

Microsoft Edge has a command palette which allows you to run commands by typing. You can use this to launch Developer Tools for Node.

  • Press `Ctrl+Q` to open the command palette
  • Type `>`, `node` and press Enter

Using the command palette in Microsoft Edge to open Node developer tools

Alternatively, you can always use the old way to access Node devtools using `edge://inspect` and clicking the link.

The node devtools links in the inspect page

If you don’t see the command palette

This is being currently rolled out in Edge, so if you don’t see it yet, you need to go to edge://flags and turn it on:

Command Palette Flag

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