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I'm very pleased to announce my latest Pluralsight / A Cloud Guru course - Azure Functions Deep Dive. This is a completely new course, using v4 of the Azure Functions runtime and the isolated programming model. It has taken me many months to complete, so apologies that I've been fairly quiet on here most of this year.

In the course I try to cover all of the most popular triggers and bindings, as well as looking at Durable Functions and some of the options for deployment and monitoring. I hope you'll find it a helpful introduction into the capabilities of Azure Functions.

What else have I been up to?

I'll also take this opportunity to link to a few other things I've been doing this year that I haven't mentioned on here yet.

First of all I was recently interviewed on the Betatalks podcast about "Navigating microservices development: challenges and solutions". It was a great conversation covering a whole variety of topics including Azure Functions, Dapr and even some NAudio.

Secondly, the video of my NDC London Talk on is .NET Any Good for Audio is available. Although I'm not actively developing NAudio any more, it is a topic I always enjoy speaking about.

Finally, every month I try to squeeze in time to write and record an instrumental song (which has been a challenge while trying to create a new Pluralsight course at the same time so don't expect anything too polished!). Every now and then I batch them up into an album, and so I recently released another of these that you can stream here.