Submitting a Feed

DotNetKicks stories are curated by our crack team of Moderators and then voted on by our community. If you have stories you would like to submit, join DNK and then submit your feed to us for review.

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Reach Thousands of Professional .NET programmers

DotNetKicks is community sourced news service focused on professional .NET programmers.

We have an audience of thousands of .NET programmers making it the ideal audience advertise your .NET related content stories and product launches.

We use our daily newsletter, pinned website stories and large social media following to get your story noticed and read.

The number of click-throughs we generate heavily depends on your product and messaging, but on average we see 300 clicks per week.

Our customers tell us that sponsored posts are their most cost effective marketing campaigns.

You can submit a sponsored story directly on the site here for $49 per story per week.

For Product Launch or Customized Packages please contact us at: advertise AT